Geography of Andorra

Where is the country of Andorra located on world map? According to COUNTRYAAH.COM, Andorra is an independent nation located in Southern Europe. Andorra became an independent nation in 1993, after centuries of being jointly ruled by France and Spain. This period of joint rule began in 1278 when the two countries agreed to share sovereignty over the small mountain principality. During this period, Andorra maintained its autonomy and was able to develop its own culture and language. In 1982, a new constitution was adopted which provided for greater independence from France and Spain. Finally, in 1993, Andorra declared full independence and established diplomatic relations with other countries around the world. Since then, it has become a popular tourist destination and is known for its low taxes and high standards of living. See historyaah for Andorra history.


The terrain conditions are determined by the country’s geographical location on the southern slope of the eastern part of the Pyrenees. Andorra has pronounced mountain terrain with sharp ridges, whose peaks in several places rise to close to 3000 m above sea level, between plateaus that are penetrated by deep valleys. The whole country is more than 800 meters above sea level. The river Valira flows southwest and flows into Segre, a tributary to Ebro, and a number of mountain lakes exist.

The weather in Andorra is affected by the geographical location which gives rain shadow and therefore less rainfall than much of the French Pyrenees; On average, 800 mm falls during the year. In winter the rainfall is the least and then the area is snowy but sunny. Summer is pleasant with an average temperature of 19 °C, while winter has a temperature of about 3 °C in the capital. The clearest rainfall is May.

The summer has an intense greenery from the trees’ foliage and the lush meadows, which form a suitable pasture for the country’s sheep and cattle herds.

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Nature conservation

Andorra Wildlife

Andorra had no nature-protected areas in 2012, such as the Madriu – Perafita-Clarord Valley, an area where hunting is prohibited. The valley was listed on UNESCO’s World Heritage List in 2004. All birds of prey are protected in the country.
