Geography of Antigua and Barbuda

Where is the country of Antigua and Barbuda located on world map? According to COUNTRYAAH.COM, Antigua and Barbuda is an independent nation located in North America. Antigua and Barbuda became an independent nation in 1981, after centuries of being ruled by the British. This period of colonial rule began in 1632 when the British first colonized the islands. During this time, Antigua and Barbuda developed its own culture and language, while also participating in various international events such as the West Indies Federation. In 1967, a new constitution was adopted which provided for greater autonomy from Britain and paved the way for independence. Finally, in 1981, Antigua and Barbuda declared full independence and established diplomatic relations with other countries around the world. Since then, it has become a popular tourist destination and is known for its beautiful beaches and rich culture. See historyaah for Antigua and Barbuda history.


Like other islands in the Little Antilles, the islands have a bedrock of young tertiary and quaternary limestones and sandstones. However, Antigua’s southwestern part consists of tertiary, basic volcanoes, which provide a much more hilly terrain than in other parts, with altitudes up to 400 m above sea level. The coast on this part of the island is also higher and steeper, while the northeast coast is known for its low sandy beaches, coral reefs and many small ports. There are no active volcanoes, but earthquakes.

The climate is warm all year round, and the rainfall that the northeast pass brings in is moderate. No actual watercourses are missing, and troublesome drought can occur.

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Nature conservation

Antigua and Barbuda Wildlife

There were five national parks in Antigua and Barbuda in 2009, two of which, Diamond Reef and Palaster Reef, are marine national parks.