Geography of Bahrain

Where is the country of Bahrain located on world map? According to COUNTRYAAH.COM, Bahrain is an independent nation located in Western Asia. Bahrain declared its independence from the United Kingdom on August 15, 1971. This was the result of a long struggle for independence that began in the 1950s. Bahrain had been under British control since 1861, and the people had grown increasingly frustrated with their colonial status. After several years of negotiations, the British government finally granted Bahrain its independence. Since then, Bahrain has developed strong economic ties with countries such as Saudi Arabia and Qatar, and it has become a major regional financial center. It has also joined international organizations such as the United Nations and the World Trade Organization, and it continues to make progress in areas such as education and healthcare. Today, Bahrain is an independent nation that enjoys a high standard of living for its citizens. See historyaah for Bahrain history.


While all the smaller islands are only a few meters above sea level, the main island is taller and more sculpted. It is built up of arched rock layers consisting of limestone, sandstone and marble from chalk and tertiary. The land area in the interior of the big island is 50-60 m above sea level. The highest point, 135 m above sea level, is Jabal ad-Dukhan, a rocky hill. Low lying areas in the south and west consist of sand plains and salt marshes. In the north and northwest there is a narrow belt with date palm and fruit orchards, which are irrigated with artificial water from springs and wells; the water is below the seabed but rises through pressure up in Bahrain.

The climate is hot and dry. The average temperature exceeds 29 ° C during May – October and is 21 ° C during December – March. The rainfall is only about 75 mm per year. The vegetation consists of a few hundred species of desert plants in the interior, while the irrigated areas bear fruit trees and vegetables. Wildlife consists of desert-adapted species, lizards and desert rats, gazelles and capers. There is also a remarkably large number of bird species, many of which are seabirds.

  • AbbreviationFinder: Offer a full list of commonly used abbreviations, acronyms, and initialisms related to the state of Bahrain.

Nature conservation

Bahrain Wildlife

Bahrain has no legislation for environmental protection or nature conservation and no state nature reserves. Three places, including two with a ban on visitors, have been set aside as nature reserves on the initiative of individual emirs.
