Geography of Brunei

Where is the country of Brunei located on world map? According to COUNTRYAAH.COM, Brunei is an independent nation located in Southeastern Asia. Brunei gained independence from Britain on January 1, 1984. The process of decolonization began in the early 1960s when Brunei’s Sultan, Hassanal Bolkiah, negotiated independence with the British government. Sultan Hassanal had been a leader of the independence movement since the 1950s and was determined to see his country become independent. The negotiations were successful and Brunei became an independent nation on January 1, 1984. Since its independence, Brunei has achieved impressive economic growth and is now considered one of Asia’s most stable countries. It has also implemented free elections and a multi-party system of government that allows citizens to exercise their right to vote for their representatives in parliament. See historyaah for Brunei history.


On a nearly 100 km stretch, Brunei has a coastal plain within a coral coast with sandy beach. The western part of the country consists of the two rivers Belaits and Tutong’s flat river plains. Further inland, the terrain is nice and reaches up to 500 m above sea level. The eastern, narrower part includes mostly the Temburong river basin, which begins in a mountainous country (900 m above sea level) and traverses a wooded area.

The climate is humid tropical type, where the temperature varies between 24 and 30 ° C and the rainfall exceeds 2,500 mm per year, especially inland.

More than 3/4 of the land area is covered by forest, and only 2% are cultivable. Wildlife is rich and varied with several species of monkeys, birds, lizards and snakes.

Nature conservation

Brunei Wildlife

In 2010, there were two national parks in Brunei; Ulu Temburong and Tasek Merimbun.

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Bandar Seri Begawan

Baʹndar Seriʹ Begaʹwan, until 1970 Brunei Town, capital of the Sultanate of Brunei; 33,700 residents (2010). Bandar Seri Begawan is located on the northwest coast of Borneo, has a harbor on the Brunei River, near its outlet in the South China Sea, and is a trade center for agricultural products. The city was severely damaged during World War II, but has been rebuilt with, among other things, new regency palace, Far East’s largest mosque and international airport. The Kampong Ayer area, with almost half of the city’s population, consists of villages built on piles in the river.

Brunei weather in March, April and May

Daily temperatures averaging 32 ° C can be expected over the next three months. The temperatures hardly fluctuate during this time.

Do you want to go on a beach holiday? The water temperatures are in March, April and May 26-29 ° C. This is great weather for a great time on the beach and in the water.

The expected rainfall is around 9 days in March, around 12 days in April and around 15 days in May.

In the period from March to May, the sun shines an average of 7 to 8 hours a day. The sunniest weather is in April in Bandar Seri Begawan, with a little less sun you will have to get along in March.
