Geography of Grenada

Where is the country of Grenada located on world map? According to COUNTRYAAH.COM, Grenada is an independent nation located in North America. Grenada celebrates its independence day on February 7, commemorating the country’s independence from the United Kingdom in 1974. The formal name of Grenada is The State of Grenada and its national symbols include a flag with three vertical stripes of red, yellow, and green, an escutcheon featuring a shield with an image of a nutmeg pod and two crossed branches above it, and the national seal which features an image of a woman standing between two mountains. The national anthem is called “Hail Grenada” which celebrates the country’s struggle for independence. The national flower is the Bougainvillea while the national animal is the critically endangered Grenada Dove. Grenada also has an official motto: “Ever Conscious of God We Aspire, Build and Advance as One People”. See historyaah for Grenada history.


Terrain shapes and bedrock

The island of Grenada 34 km long in the north-south direction and 18 km wide in the east-west direction. It is of volcanic origin and has a marked mountain ridge running in a north-south direction over the island. Its western side falls steeper in the sea than its eastern and southeastern. The highest point is Saint Catherine, which is 840 meters above sea level. and is located in the north.

The landscape of Grenada is beautifully designed with deep valleys, where the sides fall steeply. Short and fast flowing streams descend radially from the elevation water divider. Except from the rivers, water is obtained from the circular crater lake Grand Etang, which lies in a extinguished volcano at an altitude of 430 m above sea level.

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Grenada is located in the tropical zone and has a maritime climate. The temperature averages 28 °C at sea level but varies with altitude conditions. The amount of rainfall is sufficient, except in the southwest. It varies from 1,500 mm per year in coastal areas to 4,100 mm at Grand Etang. The rainy season lasts from June to December with a maximum in November. Grenada is south of the path for the tropical hurricanes but is hit by some with major damage as a result. The soil of the island is fertile black soil.

Plant-and animal life

Grenada Wildlife

The natural vegetation consists of tropical rainforests, but today considerable parts are replaced by secondary forests (although lush green but arising from more or less pervasive logging) or plantations. Highland forests still carry clear traces of Hurricane Ivan that advanced over the island in 2004. Among the forest plants are the genus Helicoʹnia, tree fronds and pineapple plants, among others. epiphytic Tillaʹndsia, which grows both in trees and on telephone lines.

The land mammal fauna is very poor and is initially only made up of nine-banded belt (Daʹsypus novemciʹnctus), the dwarf point rat Marmoʹsa robinsoʹni and twelve species of bats. In addition, large- eared opossum (Dideʹlphis marsupiaʹlis), yellow aguti (Dasyproʹcta aguʹti) and nun market (Cercopitheʹcus moʹna) have been introduced by man.

From the relatively poor species of land bird fauna can be mentioned the endemic grenadier pigeon (Leptoʹtila weʹllsi), red-breasted hummingbird (Glaucis [gla u ʹ-] hirsuʹta) and banana smog. Around the island you can see brown sole, brown pelican, various herons and magnificent frigate birds.

A large, up to 17 cm wingspeak, Stroʹmbus costaʹtus, is fished and served at local restaurants.

Nature conservation

In 2009, there were four national parks in Grenada. The most famous of these is the Grand Etang National Park.
