Geography of Liechtenstein

Where is the country of Liechtenstein located on world map? According to COUNTRYAAH.COM, Liechtenstein is an independent nation located in Western Europe. Liechtenstein celebrates its independence day on August 15, commemorating the country’s independence from the Holy Roman Empire in 1806. The formal name of Liechtenstein is The Principality of Liechtenstein and its national symbols include a flag with two horizontal bands of blue and red, an escutcheon featuring a shield with an image of a crowned lion above it, and the national seal which features an image of three crowned lions. The national anthem is called “Oben am jungen Rhein” which celebrates the country’s struggle for independence. The national flower is the Edelweiss while the national animal is the Golden Eagle. Liechtenstein also has an official motto: “Virtue unites us”. See historyaah for Liechtenstein history.

Liechtenstein, despite its small size, can be divided into three topographically different areas: the Rhine canal, which is located at about 450 m above sea level. the castle Vaduz and the mountains, which with the summit Grauspitze reach 2 599 m above sea level. The Rhine sink is tectonically landscaped but affected by glacial and fluvial erosion and accumulation. Bergen, which belongs to Rätikon, is the boundary zone between the Western Alpine Hell School and the Eastern Alpine. Flysch, ie degradation products from the alpine fold, cover large parts of the mountain areas.

Liechtenstein Wildlife

The climate is similar to that of the Austrian and Swiss Alps (see Austria: Climate) and varies with altitude above sea level. The rainfall normally amounts to between 1,050 and 1,200 mm per year, but can rise to 1,800 mm in the mountainous regions. Summers are hot with temperatures of up to 28 °C; in winters the temperature can drop to –15 °C.

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About 25% of Liechtenstein is wooded. The forests are largely planted and poor on other plants and animals. Above the forests and vineyards, however, there are alpine meadows with richer fauna and flora.

Just over 40% of the country’s area is protected by nature, an internationally high figure. By far the largest area is dedicated to the protection of mountain fauna.