Geography of Maldives

Where is the country of Maldives located on world map? According to COUNTRYAAH.COM, Maldives is an independent nation located in Southern Asia. On July 26, 1965, the country of Maldives officially declared its independence from Britain. The event was celebrated with joy and enthusiasm by the people of the island nation. The Maldivian flag was raised and a new national anthem and coat of arms were adopted. The first president of the newly independent nation was Ibrahim Nasir, who had played a major role in the country’s independence movement. He declared that “Maldives is now a free and sovereign nation.” Following his speech, fireworks were lit in celebration across the islands. This day is still celebrated annually as Independence Day in Maldives, with people gathering to commemorate this momentous occasion in their country’s history. See historyaah for Maldives history.


Terrain shapes and bedrock

The Maldives are made up of a wide range of coral islands, located on the deep-sea spine of the Maldives. The individual islands have been built on volcanic canoes and volcanic ridges that have slowly subsided. Coral colonies have been established when lowered to or slightly below the surface of the water. The nearly 1,800 individual islands and banks are often grouped together. From the 19 major atolls in the south, the large Suvadiva toll is separated through the One and a half degree channel. Between this atoll and the southernmost, the Adduatoll, is the Equator Canal. All the islands are very low, 2-6 m above sea level, but they are protected from the onslaught by sea waves through ring reefs and barrier reefs. The coral lime gives rise to restricted areas with good soil, and sources provide some freshwater supplementation.

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The location of the Maldives just next to the equator and near India gives the islands a tropical rainforest climate with monsoon character. Rainy season falls during May – August, when the southwest monsoon prevails. During the December – March dry season, the northeast monsoon introduces relatively dry air over the islands. On average, there is 2 100 mm of precipitation per year, and the average temperature stays around 27 ° C throughout the year.

Plant Life

The Maldives has a flora similar to that of Ceylon and along the coast of southern India. However, the landscape is very culturally influenced, and herbs are preferable to those with widespread use in warmer countries. Especially among the trees are coconut palm, wild almond (Terminaʹlia cataʹppa), tamarind and the beautiful yellow-flowering Hibiʹscus tiliaʹceus. In some places, there are frequent strings dominated by, among other things. pandanaceae. In protected lagoons there is some mangrove vegetation of the genus Bruguieʹra.


Maldives Wildlife

The rather isolated location of the islands means that the higher wildlife is poor. The only native mammals are bats, among others. the flying dog species badul (Pteʹropus giganteʹus) and Pteropus hypomeʹlanus. Bird life is also poor, with only a few species of land birds. Even among seabirds, the number of nesting species is low compared to many other islands in the Indian Ocean. Among the breeding species are audubon lira (Puffiʹnus lherminieʹri), white-tailed tropical bird (Phaʹethon leptuʹrus), smaller frigate bird (Fregaʹta aʹriel), cotyledon and long-billed nodal tern (Aʹnous tenuiroʹstris).

Crustaceans are represented by geckos, including tokai, as well as several species of sea turtles, which lay eggs on undisturbed sandy beaches. Several of the islands have coral reefs with rich wildlife.

Nature conservation

The Maldives had no nature-protected areas in 2010.


State of the Indian Ocean, consisting of an archipelago of 1087 islands (20 are atolls) of which only 220 are permanently inhabited, which stretches (for 900 km) between the Otto Degree Channel and the Equator, on the same ridge on which they arise the Laccadive Islands to the north and Chagos to the south. The archipelago is conditioned by a very high ecological vulnerability, especially in relation to the rise in the ocean level, resulting from the warming of the atmosphere.

  1. Population

The population, formerly immigrant from Ceylon, is largely crossed with Indian and Arab elements and, following the conversion to Islam, has lost much of its original culture. The growth rate is high; however, starting from the last years of the 20th century. showed a marked downward trend (3% in the 1990-95 period, 1.9% in the 1995-2000 period, becoming 1.6% between 2000-2009). The percentage of young people is high: over half of the residents are under the age of 16; life expectancy is very high, 74 years in 2009.

The population is 100% Sunni Muslim.

  1. Economic conditions

The economy of the islands, traditionally based mainly on tuna fishing, has since the end of the 1980s its greatest resource in tourism (602,000 visitors in 2006; the flows come mainly from Germany, Italy and Japan), supported by good accommodation facilities and by a very careful legislation in preventing both the degradation of the natural environment and the marginal and deteriorating forms of this activity. Agriculture (coconut palm) produces almost exclusively for the internal market, while most of the essential manufactured goods and sources of energy have to be imported; the trade balance is therefore constantly in deficit. In trade, the main buyers are the United States, Japan, Great Britain and Sri Lanka, while the main suppliers are Singapore, Qatar, Sri Lanka again and the United Arab Emirates. Communications between the various islands take place solely by sea; there are two airports, on the island of Gan and on Hulele, in the atoll of Male.