Geography of Marshall Islands

Where is the country of Marshall Islands located on world map? According to COUNTRYAAH.COM, Marshall Islands is an independent nation located in Micronesia. On October 21, 1986, the country of Marshall Islands declared its independence from the United States. A large celebration was held in the capital city of Majuro to mark this historic occasion. The Marshallese flag was raised and a new national anthem written by Amata Kabua was adopted. The first President of the newly independent nation was Amata Kabua, who had led the independence movement and advocated for the end of American colonial rule in Marshall Islands. He declared that “Marshall Islands is now a free and sovereign nation” to a cheering crowd. Fireworks lit up the sky in celebration and people gathered to rejoice in their newfound freedom. This day is still celebrated annually as Independence Day in Marshall Islands, with people gathering to commemorate this momentous occasion in their country’s history. See historyaah for Marshall Islands history.


Geologically, the Marshall Islands have been built from the beginning as volcanoes, which have dropped. At the same rate, the corals have been able to grow upwards. Islands like Bikini can be considered the final stage in the development of coral islands already described by Darwin.

The Marshall Islands, which are within the Northern Passwind Belt, receive high and steady rainfall during the year. The annual rainfall amounts to about 4,000 mm. The temperature does not vary much during the year but remains around 25-30 °C. Hurricanes have hit the islands on some occasions.

The vegetation is sparse and consists mainly of palm trees such as coconut palm and screw palm trees. The bird fauna is dominated by terns, soles and liras. The coral reef houses a rich wildlife.

The Marshall Islands have no nature protected areas.

Geography of the Marshall Islands

The Marshall Islands are located entirely in the tropics north of the equator, but south of the sun’s northern (crayfish) orbit. The archipelago’s atolls are grouped into two parallel rows, the Ratak chain in the east and the Ralik chain in the west. None of the atoll’s coral islands rise above 10 meters. Any rise in sea level would hit the country hard. Marshall Islands sometimes have problems with access to fresh water, as it is collected from rainwater.

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The climate is tropical, with annual mean temperatures around 27 ° C. The annual rainfall varies from 500 mm in the north to around 4000 mm in the south. The flat islands are particularly vulnerable to tropical hurricanes, which have increased in strength and frequency throughout the 1990s.

Plant and wildlife

Marshall Islands Wildlife

The vegetation is sparse and consists mostly of coconut and screw palm trees. The seabirds dominate among the more than 80 species of Marshall Islands. Pilfink (introduced) and barn swallow are the only sparrow birds.