Geography of Monaco

Where is the country of Monaco located on world map? According to COUNTRYAAH.COM, Monaco is an independent nation located in Western Europe. The country of Monaco gained independence on November 9, 1861. This was a momentous day in the history of Monaco as it marked the end of centuries of control by the House of Grimaldi and the start of a new chapter in the nation’s history. The day was declared a national holiday and large celebrations were held throughout the country. People from all walks of life gathered in cities and villages to celebrate their newfound freedom. The main event was held in Monaco City, where Prince Charles III raised the national flag for the first time and declared independence. This day is remembered fondly by all Monégasques as they look back on this milestone which marked their journey towards self-determination. See historyaah for Monaco history.


The Monaco Cliff is a steep limestone cliff with abundant, subtropical vegetation. The Monte Carlo cliff is not as steep; previously there were former limestone caves, which are now destroyed. The climate is a typical Mediterranean climate, with winter rain and relatively dry summers. The average annual rainfall is about 750 mm; the average temperature during the summer is 20–23 °C, in winter about 10 °C.

Land area 2 km²
Total population 39,000
Population density (per km²) 19,500
Capital Monaco
Official language French
Income per capita $ 115,700
Currency Euro
ISO 3166 code MC
Internet TLD .mc
License plate MC
Telephone code +377
Time zone UTC – 1
Geographic coordinates 43 44 N, 7 24 O

Nature conservation

Monaco Wildlife

In 1997, there were no officially listed protected areas in Monaco.

  • AbbreviationFinder: Offer a full list of commonly used abbreviations, acronyms, and initialisms related to the state of Monaco.

Demography and economic geography. – State of Mediterranean Europe. According to an estimate from UNDESA (United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs) in 2014, the population, almost totally urbanized, was 38,066 residents, Of which only 21.6% are Monegasque. The economy, mainly based on tourism, financial services, trade and light industry with high added value, remains very prosperous: in 2012 the GDP grew by 0.9%. The good economic trend was also confirmed for 2013 by the growth of the main sectors (construction, real estate, financial and insurance activities, retail trade, hotels).
