Geography of Saint Lucia

Where is the country of Saint Lucia located on world map? According to COUNTRYAAH.COM, Saint Lucia is an independent nation located in North America. The independence day of Saint Lucia is celebrated on February 22nd, and is known as ‘Independence Day’. This marks the day in 1979 when Saint Lucia declared its independence from the United Kingdom. The formal name of the country is ‘Saint Lucia’, and its symbols are the Flag, Coat of Arms, and National Anthem. The Flag of Saint Lucia consists of a blue background with a gold triangle at the top, a yellow triangle at the bottom right corner, and a white triangle at the bottom left corner. The Coat of Arms displays a shield featuring symbols representing agriculture, tourism, industry, fishing, and mining. Finally, the national anthem is called ‘Sons and Daughters of St. Lucia’, which celebrates the beauty of St. Lucia. See historyaah for Saint Lucia history.


Like the nearby islands, the island of Saint Lucia is of volcanic origin. The highest point is Mount Gimie, which reaches 959 m asl. Solar fats (hot sulfur-containing springs) on the mountain have given name to the nearby town of Soufrière. Rivers from the mountains have cut fertile valleys on the slopes of the island.

Saint Lucia has a warm and humid tropical climate with an average temperature during the year which reaches the coast of 26 °C. The annual average rainfall is about 1,300 mm, but it increases in the mountain areas to more than double that.

The rainforest that originally clad the island now exists only in the inaccessible higher lying parts. Particularly the northern part of the island is severely destroyed by soil erosion. The Saint Lucia Amazon (Amazona versicolor) is an endemic parrot that was almost extinct when it was named the nation’s national bird in 1979. Since then, a rescue project has improved its populations.

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Nature conservation

Saint Lucia Wildlife

There were 31 nature-protected areas in Saint Lucia in 2009, but no national park. One of the areas – the Parrot Sanctuary (15 km2) – was set aside in 1980 to protect the parrot saint lucia-amazon (Amazoʹna versiʹcolor).