Least Corrupt Countries in the World

Based on data presented by the International Transparency Organization for the year 2017, New Zealand is the least corrupt country in the world , followed by Denmark and Finland. The list of the most and least corrupt countries in the world is done through the Corruption Perceptions Index. This index has a rating from 0 to 100, knowing that the higher the value, the less corruption there will be in that country. The general perception of Corruption in the World shows worrying data, since more than ⅔ of the countries in the world have an index below 43, which reveals the state of the world society. The measurement is made taking into account the opinion of experts and businessmen regarding the level of perception of corruption in the public sector. Most of the world’s least corrupt countries are called developed countries.

Top 10 of the least corrupt countries in the world

10th Netherlands

The Netherlands is one of the least corrupt countries in the world , with 82 Corruption Index values, starting the list of the 10 least corrupt countries in the world.

9th Luxembourg

One of the smallest countries in the world manages to be one of the countries with the least corruption , with 82 values.

8th Canada

Canada is the least corrupt American country managing to be represented in the ranking of the 10 least corrupt countries in the world .

7th Sweden

Sweden is one of the least corrupt countries in Europe and the world, reaching 84 on a scale out of 100.

6th Singapore

In addition to the remarkable economic growth in recent years, Singapore is on the list of the least corrupt countries in the world .

5th Switzerland

The Alpine country is one of the least corrupt countries in the world , as well as the most developed countries.

4th Norway

One of the most developed countries in the world, it is also one of the least corrupt countries in the world , with 85 values.

3rd Finland

Another Nordic country with a corruption index of 85, which reflects the trust people place in the country’s institutions and authorities.

2nd Denmark

It is a little behind the least corrupt country in the world , but Denmark is in 2nd place in this ranking with 88 values.

1st New Zealand

The least corrupt country in the world is New Zealand, with 89 on the Corruption Perceptions Index.

New Zealand

List of the 50 least corrupt countries in the world

Position Country Corruption Index
1 New Zealand 89
2 Denmark 88
3 Finland 85
4 Norway 85
5 Switzerland 85
6 Singapore 84
7 Sweden 84
8 Canada 82
9 Luxembourg 82
10 Netherlands 82
11 United Kingdom 82
12 Germany 81
13 Australia 77
14 Hong Kong 77
15 Iceland 77
16 Austria 75
17 Belgium 75
18 United States 75
19 Ireland 74
20 Japan 73
21 Estonia 71
22 United Arab Emirates 71
23 France 70
24 Uruguay 70
25 Barbados 68
26 Bhutan 67
27 Chile 67
28 Bahamas 65
29 Portugal 63
30 Qatar 63
31 Taiwan 63
32 Brunei Darussalam 62
33 Israel 62
34 Botswana 61
35 Slovenia 61
36 Poland 60
37 Seychelles 60
38 Costa Rica 59
39 Lithuania 59
40 latvia 58
41 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 58
42 Cyprus 57
43 Czech Republic 57
44 Dominica 57
45 Spain 57
46 Georgia 56
47 Malta 56
48 Cape Verde 55
49 Rwanda 55
50 Saint Lucia 55

Countries in the World

There are 195 countries in the world. Focusing on countries that start with the letter “Q,” there are fewer examples compared to some other letters. Notable examples include Qatar. Qatar is a small but affluent nation in the Middle East, known for its significant role in the global energy market, particularly as a major exporter of liquefied natural gas (LNG). Additionally, Qatar has been a notable player in hosting major international events, including the FIFA World Cup.

While “Q” is a less common starting letter for country names, the examples that do exist, such as Qatar, highlight the diverse roles that nations play on the global stage, from economic influence to hosting major sporting events.